found on Facebook
Bonnie Lynmer: has anyone tried using DNA testing - either 23 and Me or Ancestry - to further your research? If so, did you think it was worth the money you spent on the test?
Donna Rutherford: Yes I have tested on all 3 sites. It is worth the money, I would suggest starting at Ancestry if you are a subscriber, from there you can upload to ftDNA and for a small fee transfer the result as if you tested there. Key to all DNA testing is to gain an understanding on how DNA for genealogy works. It is much much more than just ethnicity testing (which is what the media pick up on). You will get hundreds of cousin matches and you will have to figure out how they are all related to you. There are various tools available to help you decipher your results. Also there are many FB groups to help you along. I admin a FB site and I have included the link here. Feel free to join us to find out more.